Please find the full list of our publications on Google Scholar

Below are sample publications. [*=student co-author; __indicates Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) or Science Citation Index (SCI) journals]

Sample Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:

1. 2020. Dai, D., Wang, R.* Space-time surveillance of negative emotions after consecutive terrorist attacks in London. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, 4000.

2. 2019. Dai, D., Neal, F.B.*, Diem, J., Deocampo, D.M., Stauber, C., Dignam, T.A. Confluent impact of housing and geology on indoor radon concentrations in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Science of the Total Environment, 668: 500-511. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.257.

3. 2018. Stauber, C., Adams, E., Rothenberg, R., Dai, D., Luo, R., Weaver, S.R., Prasad, A., Kano, M. Measuring the impact of environment on the health of large cities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15(6), 1216; DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15061216.

4. 2018. Jelks, N.O.*, Hawthorne, T.L., Dai, D., Fuller, C.H., and Stauber, C. Mapping the hidden hazards: spatial data collection of street-level environmental stressors in a degraded urban watershed. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15040825.

5. 2018. Davarpanah, A*., Babaie, H.A., and Dai, D. Spatial autocorrelation of Neogene-Quaternary lava along the Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA. Earth Science Informatics, 11(1): 59-75. DOI:

6. 2018. Chen, X.*, Huang, L., Dai, D., and Jin, K. Hotspots of road traffic crashes in a redeveloping area of Shanghai. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, DOI:

7. 2017. Wang, P., Lin, X.*, and Dai, D (corresponding author). Spatiotemporal agglomeration of real-estate industry in Guangzhou, China. Sustainability, 9, 1445; DOI:

8. 2017. Dai, D., Rothenberg, R., Luo, R., Weaver, S., and Stauber, C. Improvement of geographic disparities: amelioration or displacement? Journal of Urban Health, 94(3): 417-428. DOI: 10.1007/s11524-017-0151-4.

9. 2017. Rothenberg, R., Dai, D., Adams, M.A., Heath, J.W. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus endemic: maintaining disease transmission in at-risk urban areas. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 44(2): 71-78. DOI: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000000561.

10. 2017. Stauber, C., Dai, D., Chan, S*., Diem, J., Weaver, S., Rothenberg, R. A pilot study to examine exposure to residential radon in under sampled census tracts of DeKalb County, Georgia, in 2015. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 332; DOI: 10.3390/ijerph14030332.

11. 2017. Berens, A.S*., Diem, J. Stauber, C., Dai, D., Foster, S., and Rothenberg, R. The use of gamma-survey measurements to better understand radon potential in urban areas. Science of the Total Environment, (607-608): 888-899. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.07.022.

12. 2016. Dai, D., Jaworski D*. Influence of built environment on pedestrian crashes: A network-based GIS analysis. Applied Geography, 73: 53-61. DOI:

13. 2016. Weimann, A.*, Dai, D., Oni, T. A cross-sectional and spatial analysis of the prevalence of multimorbidity and its association with socioeconomic disadvantage in South Africa: A comparison between 2008 and 2012. Social Science and Medicine, 163: 144-156. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.06.055.

14. 2016. Meyer BK.*, Vance RK., Bishop GA., Dai D. Shoreline dynamics and environmental change under the modern marine transgression: St. Catherines Island, Georgia, USA. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75:36. DOI:

15. 2015. Zhu M., Li J., Li Z., Luo W., Dai D., Weaver SR., Stauber C., Luo R., Fu H. Mortality rates and the causes of death related to diabetes mellitus in Shanghai Songjiang District: an 11-year retrospective analysis of death certificates. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 15:45. DOI: 10.1186/s12902-015-0042-1.

16. 2015. Rothenberg R., Weaver, S., Stauber C., Dai D., Prasad A., Kano M. Urban health indicators and indices: Current status. BMC Public Health, 15: 494. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-1827-x.

Sample Books, Book Chapters, Technical Reports, and Articles

1. 2021. United States Geological Survey (prepared by Duong, L*., Rogers, K.*, Hidalgo, P. Dai, D. (Corresponding Author)), Technical report: Geologic mapping and 3D visualization of Northern Half of Chamblee Quadrangle, Georgia.

2. 2021. Duong, L*., Rogers, K.*, Hidalgo, P. Dai, D. (Corresponding Author). Geologic map of the north half of the Chamblee 7.5’ Quadrangle, Atlanta, Georgia.

3. 2019. Rothenberg, R., Stauber C., Dai, D., Nijman, J. Urban Health Indicators: the role of data disparities. Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (Second Edition), pp. 283-285. Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-444-63952-3. DOI: DOI:

4. 2016. The World Health Organization (prepared by Stauber, C., Weaver, S., Dai, D., Luo, R., and Rothenberg, R.), Comparison of Cities using the Urban Health Index: An Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey Data from 2003-2013. World Health Organization. ISBN 978-92-4-151607-5.